Publicado por Alberto Angulo Morales
Smallvillechronicles-spain os presenta el guión original de la versión cinematográfica de "Superman II". Esta es la primera parte del guión.
Nota importante: Las escenas realizadas por Richard Donner se han escrito en negrita.
Alexander Salkind presenta "SUPERMAN II"
Guión del rodaje.
1 INT. OUTSIDE THE COUNCIL OF ELDERS CHAMBER - KRYPTON NIGHT All is still. A KRYPTONIAN GUARD stands at sentry beside massive crystalline portals. Suddenly, silently, NON appears behind him and slips a massive arm across his throat. He squeezes, cutting off the guard's breath: the guard crumples silently, and drops to the floor. Now GENERAL ZOD and URSA step INTO FRAME. As ZOD nods his approval to Non, Ursa holds the chamber door open for the General to enter. 2 INT. COUNCIL OF ELDERS CHAMBER KRYPTON - NIGHT ZOD leads the way into the chamber. This imposing crystalline space, the parliament of Krypton, is empty for the moment. But the signs of its members are ever-present: around the great floating slab that is their conference table each has his (or her) own console of crystals - a transparent container marked with the identifying insignia, c.f. the symbols on each of their robes in Part I. As Non and Ursa follow two paces behind. Zod strides along the slab, ignoring console after console, stopping only when he reaches the one emblazoned with the S-like crest of Jor-El. ANGLE DOWN ON IT as Zod lifts the lid of the console and removes, from among all transparent crystals, the one red crystal. PAN UP as he lifts it high. It glows even in the dim light of the empty chamber - until Zod, with a satisfied and sinister smile, snaps it in half. He tosses it to the ground and looks with a self-congratulatory air at Ursa and Non. EFECTS: The luminous Spinning Rings (c.f. Part I) descend and encircle the villainous trio, imprisoning them like a magical lasso in perpetual motion. Zod and Ursa are instantly subdued, if sullen; Non stares out at his captors making subhuman noises of rags and frustrations - literally a caged beast. 3 INT. KRYPTON TRIAL CHAMBER A FULL C.U. OF ZOD FILLS THE SCREEN, as: ELDER (V.O.) General Zod. A warped, would-be dictator. His only feeling is contempt. His only desire is to command CONTINUED 3 CONTINUED C.U. OF URSA FILLS THE SCREEN ELDER (v.o.) Ursa. Her only feeling is for the vicious General. Her only desire -- to rule at his side. C.U. OF NON FILLS THE SCREEN ELDER (V.O.) Non. He is without words and without thought. He is a brute force. The General need only command to inspire this monster to acts of mindless destruction. ON THE THREE - listening implacably. ELDER (V.O.) Together these three are responsible for the darkest episode in Krypton's history, the one attempt at insurrection against our reasoned way of life. (NOTE: Many of the shots and sequences that follow are to be taken from Superman, Part I, and are so indicated, including, whenever possible, identifying material from the Release Script of Part I to facilitate the locating of the exact footage required.) 4 RELEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REEL ONE --Spot 1/26 SECOND ELDER Guilty! 5 RELEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REEL ONE - Spot 1/27 C.U. Zod's eyes. ELDERS (all speaking together) Guilty! (echoed)
6 RELEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REL ONE - Spot, 1/29 C.U. Zod looking off L. towards Jor-El. ZOD The vote must be unanimous, Jor-El. 7 RELEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REEL ONE - Spot 1/31 Close THREE SHOT - Zod on the L. with Non to R. beyond him and Ursa on the R. looking off L. to Jor-El. ZOD You alone will condemn us if you wish... 8 RELEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REEL ONE - Spot 1/32 C.U. Zod looking off L. towards Jor-El. ZOD ...And you alone will be held responsible by me. 9 RELEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REEL ONE - page 15 CLOSE SHOT as Phantom Zone revolves TOWARDS CAMERA. IT FILLS THE SCREEN and collects up the Villains. It SPINS AWAY FROM CAMERA and we SEE the three Villains' faces in the Phantom Zone. They are crying out as it moves away. (NOTE: The following SHOT is new footage) 10 A CLOSE-UP of the Green Crystal (the one used in Part One to construct the Fortress, etc.) ON SCREEN, shimmering, pulsing with Kryptonian energy and life. As it does so: Music: Main Title Theme begins. TITLE APPEARS OVER IMAGE OF GREEN CRYSTAL. BEGIN CREDITS - SUPERIMPOSED OVER THIS IMAGE AND CONTINUED OVER THE FOLLOWING IMAGES (all from Superman Part I.) ALL M.O.S. (NOTE: On the first listed below, some optical changes will have to be done in order to eliminate Jor-El from the existing shot, so as to make it one of Lara, the baby and the Green Crystal without a certain highly-paid actor in the FRAME). 11 RELEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REEL TWO -- Page 8 TWO SHOT -- LARA and baby KAL EL, as the Green Crystal is placed in the infant's starship. 12 RELEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REEL TWO -- Page 11 Baby Kal-El's starship takes off. 13 RELEASE SCRIPT , PART ONE, REEL THREE --Page 1 EXT. SPACE VERY LONG SHOT as the Red Sun hits Krypton and it explodes. CAMERA ZOOMS IN through the exploding particles of the planet. 14 RELEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REEL THREE --Pages 4 - 5 The rocket lands in the wheat field. 15 RELEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REEL THREE -- Page 11 Baby Kal-El lifts the back end of the pick-up truck. 16 RELEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REEL FOUR -- Page 6 Young CLARK is summoned to the barn by the force of the Green Crystal and its "effect." 17 RELEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REEL FIVE -- Page 1 At the North Pole, young Clark throws the Green Crystal and where it falls the Fortress of Solitude begins to rise. 18 RELEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REEL FIVE -- Page 11 CAMERA PANS UP the front of the Daily Planet building 19 RELEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REEL SIX -- PAGE 6 THREE SHOT - PERRY, LOIS and CLARK in Perry's office as Clark first meets everyone. 20 RELAEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REEL EIGHT -- Page 4 MEDIUM SHOT shooting up towards the roof of the Daily Planet, with the helicopter on the edge of the roof, as Lois falls out of the open door. She screams. CUT TO: LONGER SHOT as Lois continues falling, hanging on a strap, still screaming. 21 RELEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REEL EIGHT -- Page 4 Shooting up through the windscreen of a boat cabin towards bow of boat where Superman is standing on deck with arms folded. Hatch in deck behind him opens and a CROOK climbs out. TWO OTHER CROOKS (who've been counting their loot) are relieved to see the first crook about to attack Superman from behind. The first crook bashes Superman with a crowbar. Superman doesn't react at all, but the crowbar and the crook holding it vibrate madly. 22 RELEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REEL Voluptuous EVE TESCHMACHER in bikini takes a subterranean sunbath in Luthor lair. 23 RELEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REEL TWELVE -- Pages 15 - 16 LEX LUTHOR with his map of America reveals his scheme; the "old" West Coast drops off the map. 24 RELEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REEL THIRTEEN -- Page 14 The rocket hits the earth and explodes. 25 RELEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REEL THIRTEEN -- Page 15 LONG SHOT FROM HIGH ANGLE SHOOTING DOWN onto the San Andreas Fault, as the crack in the earth widens and part of it start to fall in. 26 RELEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REEL THIRTEEN -- Page 29 LONG SHOT along railway line as Superchief Train approaches. C.U. SUPERMAN lying in place of the broken tracks. He lowers his head. LONG SHOT toward Railway Embankment with Superman in place of broken track as train enters L. along line and crosses over him. CLOSE SHOT towards Superman lying in place of broken track as train passes over him. 27 RELEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REEL FOURTEEN - Page 15 Lois' car has fallen into a crack. CLOSE SHOT - the front of the windscreen as the car is being crushed, earth falling down from TOP OF FRAME. CLOSE SHOT - LOIS, as the car is being crushed. She is screaming. 28 RELEASE SCRIPT, PART ONE, REEL FOURTEEN - Page 22 LONG SHOT the world with traces of Superman going round and round the centre R/l and then finally swinging down wide L. of the world, and reverses and starts going L/R very fast leaving trails. World starts moving normally West to East. END CREDITS AND TITLE MUSIC 29 EXT. DAILY PLANET - DAY ESTABLISHING SHOT of the office building on a busy Metropolis street. 30 INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY CLARK KENT comes in, ready to begin a day's work, chipper and friendly. TRACKING WITH HIM as he passes various EMPLOYEES, all of whom seem to be bustling about with exceptional preoccupation. There is an air of tension, often found in newspaper offices when a big story is breaking. At first Clark doesn't realize anything unusual is up. As a REPORTER with a sheaf of wire service copy in hand bustles by him: CLARK Morning, Phil --- PHIL (can't stop to talk) 'Scuse me Kent..... Clark is a bit surprised, but continues walking on. A WOMAN REPORTER is heading down the aisle just ahead of him. CLARK (cheerily) Hi, Alice. That's a very pretty blouse you - ALICE (preoccupied) Catch you later, Clark. CONTINUED 30 CONTINUED STAY WITH CLARK, now a bit taken aback, as he reaches Perry White's office. Just outside, talking on a phone is JIMMY OLSEN. CLARK (one more try) Jimmy, how's the - JIMMY (to telephone) Yeah. I'll check. He hangs up and goes to Perry' s office. Clark follows. 31 INT. PERRY WHITE'S OFFICE PERRY WHITE is seated at his desk, looking even more wound-up than usual. JIMMY Mr. White, the pressroom wants to know how much longer to hold the front page. PERRY (tense) Give it another ten minutes. If we don't -- (changing his mind) Hell, I'll tell him. (he picks up a phone) Pete? If we haven't got anything new in the next ten minutes just go with the wire service copy under the 40 pt. banner and run the picture for three columns. (to Clark) Kent, I need a background story for the page 3 sidebar. Give me every thing you know about this terrorist group. CLARK (automatic response) Right! (he turns, starts out briskly, then stops, turns and looks at Perry with a puzzle expression) What terrorists group? What's going on? CONTINUED 31 CONTINUED PERRY Get your head out of the clouds, Kent. Where you been the last twelve hours? CLARK Uh...home... PERRY Don't you watch television? Don't you listen to the radio? CLARK Actually I was trying to catch up on my reading. There's a lot of Dickens I never got around to -- PERRY Dickens! The whole world's about to blow up and you're reading Dickens?! JIMMY (explaining to the confused Clark) A gang of terrorists seized the Eiffel Tower in Paris PERRY He knows where the Eiffel Tower is, Olsen. (double checking) You do, don't you, Kent? CLARK Anybody been hurt? JIMMY So far the hostages are unharmed. CLARK Hostages? JIMMY Tourists, about twenty of 'em. CONTINUED 31 CONTINUED PERRY But that's penny-ante stuff. These guys are saying that unless the French government meets their demand they've got a hydrogen bomb ready to level Paris. C.U. CLARK shocked. CLARK But . . ..that's terrible! PERRY That's why they call 'em terrorists. (brusquely) Go down to the morgue and dig up anything you can find on past incidents of -- CLARK (a sudden thought) Does Lois know about this yet? PERRY Does she know about it? She's in it! CLARK What?? PERRY The minute the story broke I bundled her on the first Concord out of here. If Paris goes kablooey I want the best reporter I've got right there in the middle of it. FAVORING CLARK-- He looks especially worried now. CLARK Gee. But -- PERRY No offense, Kent. You're good, but Lois is the best we've got. CLARK No, I meant, it's awfully dangerous. CONTINUED 31 CONTINUED PERRY That goes with the territory, Kent. (cheering him up) Listen, if I know Lois Lane, she'll not only come back with a Pulitzer Prize story, she'll have a one on one interview with the hydrogen bomb titled "What Makes Me Tick. " ON CLARK -- He stands there, absorbed in his thoughts. PERRY (impatiently) What are you standing around for, Kent? Come on! Take off! 32 EXT. DAILY PLANET BUILDING - DAY Clark comes swiftly out of the building. PAN TO SEE him going into the nearby alley, behind it. 33 EXT. ALLY - DAY WIDE SHOT, SIDE ANGLE - In this private place, unobserved, Clark Kent now transforms into Superman. EFFECTS: AT LEFT OF FRAME the Clark Kent image begins to move TO RIGHT, leaving images behind as in time-lapse photography, so that by the time he reaches RIGHT OF FRAME he has turned completely into Superman. The intervening images show the various changes in the transformation. Now Superman follows Perry White's advice to Clark Kent: he takes off. ANGLE UP TO SEE HIM fly up the air shaft behind the building and into the sky. 34 EXT. BASE OF EIFFEL TOWER - DAY ESTABLISHING SHOT. --The Eiffel Tower, the Paris skyline. 35 EXT. BASE OF EIFFEL TOWER - DAY WIDE ANGLE -- At the base of the tower, a large group of REPORTERS and T.V. CREWS are gathered around a SPOKESMAN for the French government. He looks harassed and tense. There is very much the atmosphere of a crisis -- CROWDS in b. g. are being held back FRENCH POLICE. CONTINUED 35 CONTINUED FIRST REPORTER (British accent) How did they get up there? SPOKESMAN (French accent) They were disguised as workers, to do repairs. FIRST REPORTER Can you tell us why they released the first group of hostages? SPOKESMAN We insist they do this to show good faith. If not, we refuse to negotiate. SECOND REPORTER (American accent) And now they are willing to release the rest of the hostages? SPOKESMAN In return for a guarantee that we will not launch an attack an them. SECOND REPORTER There will be no attack? No attempt to overpower the terrorists? SPOKESMAN (squirming a bit ) Um. . . .we have made this guarantee. SECOND REPORTER Yes, but will you honor it? SPOKESMAN We have not the choice to refuse, have we, if we believe it is a real hydrogen bomb that they have. THIRD REPORTER Where is the bomb ? CONTINUED 35 CONTINUED SPOKESMAN Is in a big oil can -- (Tries another word) --- oil drum...you know? CLOSER ON THE GROUP -- We SEE LOIS LANE among the journalists, standing about halfway back in the group , busy taking notes. LOIS A hydrogen bomb? Are you sure? SPOKESMAN How can we be sure? Today, is possible for anyone to make a bomb if he has the proper equipments, no? LOIS But . . ..that would mean all of Paris would be destroyed SPOKESMAN (grimly) Oui. ANOTHER ANGLE, in which CAMERA LOSES LOIS. FIRST REPORTER What is the official position of the government on this? As the questioning continues: ON THE BACK OF THE GROUP OF REPORTER - Lois has worked her way to the back and now slips away from the group. She darts a quick look around to see if she has been observed. She hasn't. 36 NEW ANGLE-A short distance away is one of the two elevators that service the bottom half of the Eiffel Tower. The elevators are somewhere up there, but the staircase is guarded by a young, pleasant-looking French FLIC. FIRST REPORTER (O. S.) Will your government meet their demands? SPOKESMAN (O.S.) I am not authorized to say what they will do. At this moment there is an emergency meeting in the Elysee Palace -- 36 CONTINUED Missing from script (page 13 of original script) 37 SHOT DOWN FROM THE FIRST LEVEL -- As Lois hurries up while the unsuspecting flic below reads the phrase book. ANGLE OOWN ON LOIS - as she climbs the lower stairs briskly. 38 EXT. TOP LEVEL, EIFFEL TOWER - DAY A drama of our times is being played out. At one end of the narrow top level, about EIGHT HOSTAGES are being herded into an elevator by TWO TERRORISTS with machine guns. The hostages include a couple of NUNS, some CHINESE in buttoned-up gray jackets and a few obvious TOURISTS with cameras. There are THREE TERORISTS in all, clad in gray coveralls to look like workers. The leader what will remain on the top level, is SERGE. The two who are taking the hostages to the lower level are LUC and CLAUDE . SERGE Take them down and send them away. But watch out for any tricks. NUN (feisty) Do we look like the sort who would --- SERGE It is not what you look like, Sister, it's who you are. NUN A higher Power will have to forgive you. . . . SERGE We'll negotiate with him later. (to his cohorts) Quickly! The hostages are herded into the elevators and the doors shut 39 EXT. EIFFEL TOWER - DAY LONG SHOT-- The upper elevators (lifts) on the Tower, one going up, one going down. 40 ON THE STAIRCASE, BETWEEN THE SECOND LEVEL & THE MID LEVEL -- Lois is rapidly climbing the circular staircase, running out of breathe. ANGLE UP. 41 EXT. MID LEVEL PLATFORM - DAY The hostages emerge from the upper elevator and are transferred into the waiting elevator which will take them to safety and terra firma. As Luc and Claude prod them in: LUC Hurry! And they do so: 41A INT. LIFT Luc and Claude returning to the top level. 42 Lois climbs under their lift and holds on to a bar underneath. ON LOIS - C. U. OF HER HANGING UNDER THE SHAFT, looking down at the dizzying, vertigo inducing void below her. LOIS (trying not to panic; keeping her goals in front of her) Pulitzer Prize. Capital P, small u, l, i, t, z, e, r. Capital P, small r, i - 43 HER POV: The elevator shaft below. A sight to make strong women weak. 44 ON LOIS -- As she turns away from the sickening sight, she makes a bad move and: 45 Her belt gets caught up in the mechanism under the elevator. LOIS Oh no! Trying to extricate herself with one hand and hold on with the other, she is definitely in trouble now. 46 LONG SHOT, FROM BELOW -- Of the two elevators moving in the structure. The elevator with Lois attached to the freed hostages move up, the elevator with the freed hostages moves down.
47 Luc has entered the empty elevator. The oil drum stands in it. Attached to it, wired to fuses on the top, is an activating device that functions like a grenade, i.e. once the pin is pulled, the gizmo is activated and the only thing that keeps it from detonating is the human hand which holds the thing in the safe position. The minute the activator is released, there's only a matter of seconds till the explosion. SERGE Be careful! LUC Don't worry, it is me who controls the bomb, not the bomb who -- SERGE Yes, yes, all right . . ... 48 SLIGHTLY DOWN to SEE Lois hanging there under the elevator, able to hear all the conversation. During PAN: CLAUDE (gallows humor) If you let go, I hope you have not many sins to be forgiven. Because there will be only ten seconds to list them. C.U. LOIS - trapped and more fearful than ever. LOIS (whispering, as she ups the ante) Nobel Prize. Capital N, small o, small b. . . 49 EXT. MID LEVEL - DAY THREE FRENCH POLICEMEN, C.R.S. Tactical Squad types, are gathered around the elevator mechanism. The FIRST POLICEMAN talks into a walkie-talkie to contacts elsewhere, while the other two stand ready at the mechanism with impressive-looking cable cutters. FIRST POLICEMAN (to walkie-talkie) Where are they now? 50 ACROSS FROM EIFFEL TOWER - DAY POV SEEN THROUGH BINOCULARS - SHOWING THE THREE TERRORISTS STANDING BY THE ELEVATOR ON THE TOP LEVEL, WITH ONE OF THEM (LUC) INSIDE BY THE OIL DRUM. VOICE OVER (Outside Spotter) They are near to the elevator, one is inside with the bomb. 51 BALCONY ACROSS FROM THE EIFFEL TOWER - DAY ON THE SOURCE OF THE VOICE -- Another FLIC who is standing on this apartment house balcony observing the Tower through binoculars and communicating via the walkie talkie. SPOTTER Now the third one has come out . . .. Yes... all are out. VOICE OF POLICEMAN ONE (walkie-talkie) And the bomb? Still in there? SPOTTER Yes, Get ready. 52 SKY, PARIS - DAY LONG SHOT -- Superman flies over the Paris sky towards the Eiffel Tower, which is still a considerable distance away, on the horizon. 53 EXT. SECOND LEVEL, TOWER - DAY ON THE TWO POLICEMEN with the cable cutters, in place by the thick steel cables that control the elevators. POLICEMAN ONE Now. The TWO men cut the cables. IN QUICK CUTS: 54 1. The taught cable suddenly springs apart and goes slack. 55 2. The pull on the counter-weight causes the slack cable to zip up the length of the Tower like a yo-yo string gone loose. FOLLOW IT UP AND OVER THE TOP. 56 3. ON THE TOP - Now nothing holds the elevator in place. 57 EXT. TOP LEVEL - DAY Suddenly the elevator starts to plunge down. The violence of its descent throws LUC, who was just outside it, onto the ground. As he falls backwards with a scream: 58 INSERT: His hand holding the firing button lets go as it is yanked from him. LUC It started! 59 EXT. EIFFEL TOWER - DAY LONG SHOT, ANGLE DOWN: SUPERMAN'S POV of the Tower, now that he is coming close to it, swooping down. 60 INT. ( EXT?) TOWER SHAFT - DAY EFFECTS: The elevator is falling down shaft at terrific speed. 61 C.U. OF terrified Lois under the elevator. She screams. 62 EXT. SKY - DAY Superman, IN C.U., zooms down to Lois as he hears her screams. 63 LONG SHOT - Superman flies inside the Tower. 64 INT. (EXT?) TOWER SHAFT - DAY ON A SECOND LEVEL -- He grabs the elevator bringing it to a sudden, jarring halt. While holding it aloft with one mighty hand, he helps the shaken Lois to get off and onto the nearby platform. CONTINUED 64 CONTINUED LOIS Superman! The -- SUPERMAN (trying to make light of it to calm her ) Really Lois, we've got to stop meeting this -- LOIS (no time for comedy) The bomb! It's in there! Any second now, its -- 65 Instantly he springs into the shaft and begins to push the elevator up the Tower at super-speed. 66 QUICK SHOT - ANGLED DOWN ON LOIS as she watches Superman take-off up the shaft. 67 LOIS POV: Superman, pushing the elevator, is now practically to the top of the shaft. 68 EXT. MODEL Superman and lift come crashing out. 69 EXT. SKY/SPACE ON SUPERMAN -- He climbs higher over France, gaining speed as the atmosphere begins to blur into the dark mysterious blue of space. 70 EXT. SPACE WIDE SHOT -- Superman, with the speed of light zooms through the Universe, past the Moon with the Earth growing smaller in the distance. Faster and faster he goes until he bursts through into another galaxy. 71 CLOSE ON SUPERMAN -- as he hurls the lift into the void of outer space. 72 WIDE SHOT - as the nuclear bomb explodes. The closest star breaks into shooting, fiery fragments. 73 ON SUPERMAN - as he is sent reeling through the limitless void, falling away stunned by the explosion. 74 EXT. FURTHER IN SPACE EFFECTS: Shock waves shake the stability of the furthest galaxies. 75 EXT. SPACE ON SUPERMAN - in uncontrolled flight, projected millions of miles, as he regains consciousness and steadies his trajectory. He soars through the galaxies, bursting through into our Solar System. He wings closer and closer to Earth, growing smaller and smaller as he approaches the United States, until he appears as a tiny blue dot far away in a sparkling star-filled sky. 76 EXT. DEEP SPACE EFFECTS: The shock waves from the nuclear blast are stronger now, ripping through the vast dark sky. In the distance, a strange diamond-shape begins to glow. PAN WITH THE SHOCK WAVES, GETTING CLOSER TO THE GLOW: Now we SEE it is the crystal two-dimensional prison: The Phantom Zone. The grotesque, pleading heads of GENERAL ZOD, NON and URSA can be seen imprisoned, "flattened" inside. 77 EFFECTS: As the shock waves strike the Phantom Zone, the prison shatters and breaks open. 78 The three great villains burst out into space, taking on their three-dimensional forms again. They are flung out into the black sky as they suck in the air of unexpected freedom. It is as if Pandora's Box has been opened. ZOD Free! URSA Free! NON lets out a terrifying howl, like an animal who has burst its bonds. Their horrifying faces fill THE FRAME with yowls of glee as they whirl and drift off into space, tumbling and flying at great speed. HOLD as they move further and further away, moving towards Earth, until they are tiny dots lost in the stars. They regain their balance and realize they can fly as we SEE our solar system in b.g. 79 EXT. METROPOLIS STREET, DAILY PLANET - DAY ON CLARK - as he comes up out of a subway station opposite the Daily Planet Building, looking as harassed as any other rush hour rider. Suddenly he brightens. PAN TO the sight that cheers him. It is Lois, of course, just stepping off a bus across the street on her way to the office. CONTINUED 79 CONTINUED CLARK Lois! Hey, Lois -- She turns and gives him a friendly wave, but then our busy girl reporter keeps right on going toward the building. ON CLARK -- Disappointed, our ever-eager swain hurries to catch up with her. FOLLOW HIM as he steps out into the street just as the light changes. CLARK (not that she's listening) Wait up a minute. . . Suddenly, as he darts in and out of moving traffic, he is hit head-on by a speeding Checker taxi. As he disappears from view we hear a long squeal of brakes and an awful crunch. 80 ON LOIS -- as she hears it too. She whirls around and hey eyes widen in horror. LOIS (starting towards him) CLARK!! ON CLARK - picking himself up, dusting himself off, hurrying towards her again. CLARK (calling to her, reassuringly) I'm okay. And he is indeed. The collision has left him unharmed and not even out of breath. ON LOIS -- looking his way, very startled. HER POV: The taxi is not okay. Clark's impression is cut deeply, perfectly and unaccountably into the hood, through the engine block to the windshield. ON LOIS - still staring. Finally, she shakes her head sharply, as if to clear it of a wild notion. TAXI DIRVER looks puzzled. 82 INT. DAILY PLANET CITY ROOM, CLARK & LOIS' DESKS - DAY ON LOIS' DESK is a copy of that morning's paper, the headlines bold and clear: MERCI, SUPERMAN! French Terror Scheme "Bombs" Exclusive Story by Lois Lane Standing patiently beside the desk with a long-suffering look on his face is CLARK, listening to the good talking-to Lois is giving him. LOIS Look, okay, this time you were lucky. Very lucky. But next time you cross the street -- (earnestly) Clark, always look both ways. Lecture over, she starts rummaging in the shopping bag we saw her carrying earlier. CLARK (equally earnest) Lois, I usually do. LOIS Then maybe you should get your glasses checked. As he touches them nervously, she pulls out a plastic bag, filled with half-a-dozen oranges cut in half. CLARK (piqued) Not everyone can have X-ray vision, you know. LOIS (lightly) Do I detect a note of jealousy? From the bottom of bag she produces a fairly ancient hand-operated juicer -- the type where you put the orange half on a metal cone and then, pulling down a lever, bring the squeezer press down on it. She sets it and a large drinking glass on the desk. CONTINUED 82 CONTINUED CLARK (looking at all this with much curiosity) Lois, what are you doing? LOIS When was the last time you heard me sneeze? CLARK (actually trying to remember) Uh. . . LOIS Well, you never will again! (proselytizing) Thanks to Vitamin C! I'm reading a book that says the foundation of a sound body structure is one thousand milligrams of Vitamin C every day. CLARK One thousand?? That's an awful lot of oranges. You know there are pill, Lois. I've seen them. LOIS (knowingly) Oh sure. The American answer to everything. Pills. (as she puts an orange in the juicer) No, this is -- (the magic word) -- natural. She brings up the lever and bears down on the orange. LOIS And I also get some exercise this way. That's for sure. Struggling mightily, she can hardly get the lever to budge. But she smiles brightly as this doesn't bother her. CONTINUED 82 CONTINUED LOIS Anyway, about being jealous -- you don't have to be. She's about to give it another try. CLARK I don't? LOIS (smiling at him) Of course not. Not when you've got so much going for you. CLARK (daring to hope) I do? LOIS Sure! But nobody knows it. Least of all you. (as his smile fades) Look, would you mind if I gave you some constructive criticism? CLARK (hurting) Actually, yes. NEW ANGLE LOIS Well, you shouldn't (intensely) Be more aggressive, Clark! Trust your instinct! When you see your opportunity, grab it! I do. And she pushes down the lever. CLARK God knows . . . CONTINUED 82 CONTINUED She is really having a tough time getting the press to go all the way down. CLARK Lois, why don't you at least get one of those automatic ones? LOIS Haven't you heard? There's an energy crisis. (through clenched teeth: as she bears down) No, this was good enough for my mother -- CLARK (tentatively) Maybe I could try -- LOIS Be my guest. He repositions the orange and raises the lever. Clumsily, he bears down and gets, for his pains, orange pulp juice spattered down the front of his pants. Now it's his turn to play unperturbed. CLARK (mopping himself) It's okay, I was going to send this suit to the cleaners anyway. (he puts another orange in the juicer) I think I've got the hang of this now. NEW ANGLE - He brings the lever down, then tosses away the squeezed-out orange. We can't see what he's accomplished yet. LOIS (kindly) Clark, everything I was saying -- can't you see I only say it because I really care? CLARK (looking up, a last ray of hope) Really? LOIS Of course, that's what friends are for. CONTINUED 82 CONTINUED CLARK (dashed again) "Friends." LOIS (smiling up at him) Here's to friendship. She takes the glass from the table, raises it. There is about a half-inch of juice in it. They both look at it sadly. 83 EXT. PRISON YARD ESTABLISHING SHOT 84 INT. PRISON LAUNDRY (OLD SC. 308A) LEX This is how it ends for the greatest criminal mind of our time. Not with a whimper, mind you. Not with a bang. How do they choose to reward Lex Luthor the greatest genius in this world? Do they give him glory, do they give him treasure? What matter of fact do they give him? GUARD Life plus twenty-five. Luthor. Get to work. OTIS Don't feel bad, Mr. Luthor. It almost worked. I mean California almost threw up right in the ocean. Millions of people almost killed. If it hadn't been for that guy Superman - that overgrown boyscout... LEX I want my Liberace record back tonight. OTIS ( What are you gonna do - with a guy like that ) ( I mean, he flies around so fast and everything...) DELETE IN CUTTING CONTINUED 84 CONTINUED LEX ( Six pack of coke. ) DELETE IN CUTTING OTIS I mean they can't even trace that guy on that radar they got, every time they try he just flies off. LEX Where? OTIS North. LEX Why? OTIS To ski? LEX OTIS, your brain defies any known scientific laws in its infinite capacity to deteriorate. Every man has a vulnerable point. Some like you Otis, have more that one. I didn't see Superman's in time. But now through patience, invention and skill, my black box is just about ready. OTIS Oh! That black box in our cell? LEX Shhhhhhh! OTIS That little black box, Mr. Luthor, I mean -- what's it for? LEX That little black box goes beyond any known conventional radar, it tracks Alpha Waves. OTIS Ahhhhhh -- Alpha Waves. CONTINUED 84 CONTINUED LEX ( I could have said it tracked Pasta Fagoli, ) ( couldn't I. ) ( OTIS ) ( Oh with garlic, Mr. Luthor, and that ) ( butter, oh it's so good. ) DELETE IN CUTTING LEX Those Alpha will take me North... to his secret. And when I have his secret, I'll have Superman. (Slasher Fogelstein is a bedwetter.) 85 EXT. SPACE View of the Earth and the Moon. (NOTE: THE FOLLOWING SCENE IS PARTIALLY SHOT: all material on Moon surface etc. THE NEW MATERIAL WHICH FOLLOWS SHOULD BE INTERCUT WITH EXISTING FOOTAGE AS INDICATED.) 86 EXT. SURFACE OF THE MOON WIDE SHOT: A joint mission of Russian and American ASTRONAUTS have just landed. There is a capsule that looks like the famous LEM, supported on four skinny, spider-like legs, with glowing metal ladders leading from its portal. 87 INT. HOUSTON NASA CONTROL CENTER - DAY The familiar setting: banks of computers, TECHNICIANS and CONTROLLERS who monitor the ASTRONAUTS. CLOSER ON TWO CONTROLLERS: One of them, standing by the monitoring device, obviously bored, sips coffee from a paper cup. The second, his feet up, idly leafs through a Sports Illustrated, killing time. FIRST CONTROLLER (to the other guy) Hey, you follow the bouncing ball for awhile, huh? It's giving me a headache. Anyway, you'd better check in on them. CONTINUED 87 CONTINUED The Second Controller reluctantly tosses his magazine aside. SECOND CONTROLLER Yeah, I keep forgetting about them. (shrugs) Well, everybody else had. After forty-five days. (he tunes in his console, speaks into microphone) Houston to Artemis II, Houston to Artemis II, come in please. VOICE FROM CONSOLE (v.o.) Howdy, Houston. 88 INT. LEM. CAPSULE - MOON SURFACE In the LEM is an astronaut, NATE, who has been up there for forty-five days and looks it --unshaven, haggard and bored. VOICE OF CONTROLLER (v.o.) (over LEM speaker) Nate? NATE Yo! VOICE OF CONTROLLER (v.o.) How's it going up there? NATE All systems normal, Houston. Andy is out doing the geological survey -- VOICE OF CONTROLLER (v.o.) More rocks... NATE Affirmative. And Cosmonaught Boris is getting some soil samples. (pause, mild chuckle) By the way, Boris and I are getting engaged. VOICE OF CONTROLLER (v.o.) I had a feeling about you guys when I saw your Rorschach tests. CONTINUED 88 CONTINUED NATE (grinning) Just a little down-home humour there, Houston. VOICE OF CONTROLLER (v.o.) Surface conditions unchanged? NATE (looking out porthole) Well, it's mighty pretty out there. Mighty -- (suddenly sits straight up in his seat with a look of absolute amazement; he peers through the porthole) -- pretty. 89 NEW ANGLE - POV: Through the porthole, Ursa drifts like a languorous, undulating Rhine Maiden, floating down through the darkness to the moon's surface -- a smiling, siren a magical apparition. 90 INT. HOUSTON, NASA SPACE CENTER - DAY SECOND CONTROLLER Mighty pretty, right. (a look at his colleague) Listen, Nate -- (sharper) Nate? (no answer) Nate? Hey, wake up, will ya? 91 INT. LEM CAPSULE, MOON SURFACE Nate stares out the porthole, mesmerized. NATE (half-whisper; stunned) That's it. Yeah, I'm dreaming. CONTROLLERS VOICE (v.o.) Come in, Artemis. NATE Yeah . . . well . . . uh, Houston . . . we seem to have an . . . an . . . unidentified flying . . . (he still can't believe his eyes) object. 91 CONTINUED CONTROLLER VOICE (v.o.) (more alert) An unidentified --- ? What does it look like? NATE Well, sir . . . actually, what it looks like, I would have to say, it definitely looks like, like . . . a girl. 92 EXT. ANOTHER SECTION OF MOON (AS PREVIOUSLY SHOT: URSA CONFRONTS ANDY AND RIPS HIS SUIT OPEN, KILLING HIM) This scene is not typed out in the actual script, but is added here from the Tom Mankiewicz script for reference purposes.) Astronaut Andy, in his bulky space suit and helmet, laboriously lifts some moon rocks, stands, begins loping back to his vehicle with them as Ursa suddenly lands in front of him. Andy recoils, his bug eyes clearly visible through his mask. URSA You. ROBBIE Ah . . . ah . . . yes. Ma'am? (to himself) I don't believe I said that. URSA What sort of creature are you? ROBBIE Ma'am, I'm just a person . . . (pointing) From Earth, you know? I'm just a man. URSA (widening smile) A man . . . URSA suddenly reaches out, rips the space suit down the front, tearing a great gaping hole as easily as if she were ripping tissue paper. ROBBIE'S arms flail in the air. He quickly explodes (EFFECTS) from the pressure change. URSA grins. 93 EXT. OTHER SECTION OF THE MOON (AS PREVIOUSLY SHOT: GENERAL ZOD CONFRONTS BORIS AND KILLS HIM) This scene is not typed out in the actual script, but is added here from the Tom Mankiewicz script for reference purposes.) Another astronaut, BORIS, his suit bearing the insignia of the USSR, is attached by a long hose to his vehicle as he kneels a few yards away in a crater, scooping up samples of dust and putting them in containers. CAMERA PANS: GENERAL ZOD suddenly pops out of the crater, vaulting over the lip, lands near the astonished BORIS who turns, babbling in Russian. BORIS (In Russian) Who are you? Where did you . . . . ZOD lifts BORIS' life-line in one hand and, using his fingers as a pair of scissors, simply snips it in two. Arms flailing, his screams echoing, BORIS rises like a balloon, his gravity pull destroyed as he floats up and away. ZOD watches him dispassionately. ZOD What a fragile sort of life form this is . . . 94 EXT. LEM (AS PREVIOUSLY SHOT: ZOD AND URSA RETURN TO THE LEM. WITH NON, THEY APPROACH THE SPACECRAFT.) 95 INT. LEM CAPSULE, MOON SURFACE Nate stares out at the three - unable and unwilling to believe what he is seeing. NATE My god --- Frantically he presses, again and again, a switch. 96 INSERT: His finger presses the button (or switch) marked "LAUNCHING ROCKETS." 97 EXT. LEM CAPSULE, MOON SURFACE (AS PREVIOUSLY SHOT, NON SHAKES AND BREAKS THE LEM. Overlay on soundtrack the following radio appeals growing more urgent:) CONTINUED 97 CONTINUED VOICE OF CONTROLLER (v.o.) Artemis? Artemis, this is Houston. Come in, Artemis. this is Houston. This is Houston calling. 98 INT. HOUSTON, NASA SPACE CONTROL CENTER - DAY FIRST CONTROLLER What's going on? SECOND CONTOLLER I don't know, lost contact. FIRST CONTROLLER (not perturbed as this is obviously a common problem; calls out kiddingly:) Somebody using a hair dryer in here? SECOND CONTROLLER (a bit more concerned No, really. (to mike:) Artemis? Do you read me? FIRST CONTROLLER What'd he say before? He saw a girl? SECOND CONTROLLER I think he said a "curl." FIRST CONTROLLER What's a curl? SECOND CONTROLLER Isn't that what the old Canaveral guys used to call a comet on an East-West trajectory? FIRST CONTROLLER How the hell would I know? I was in high school back in those days. CONTINUED 98 CONTINUED SECOND CONTROLLER (razzing him) Boy, you sure look old for your age (to mike:) Artemis ? Artemis? He keys up the volume: sounds of much static. SECOND CONTROLLER Sounds like the usual electrical interference. (NOTE: AT THIS POINT, GO TO FOOTAGE PREVIOUSLY SHOT IN WHICH THE THREE VILLAINS DISCUSS THEIR NEWLY FOUND POWERS AND THEIR REALIZATION OF THE YELLOW SUN etc.) 99 EXT. MOON SURFACE ZOD, URSA and NON sit amidst the debris. They have decorated themselves with the spoils: ZOD wears patches and NASA badges. URSA sports a NASA belt buckle, worn as a brooch. NON, rocking as he sits, makes frightening noises of pleasure, pleased with the mayhem he's caused. URSA (thoughtful) Strange. I tore those metal fibers like paper. And what he did . . .. (points at NON) Was amazing! (dawns on her) Something is happening . . .. ZOD Yes. To all of us. The closer we come to an atmosphere with only one sun - a yellow sun - the more our molecular density gives us unlimited powers! URSA ( They come from . . . Earth. ) DELETE IN CUTTING ( (points) ) There . . . (examines NASA buckle) A place called . . . Houston . . . CONTINUED 99 CONTINUED ZOD Then we must go there too. (rises) To rule. Finally - to rule! (to URSA) And then you shall have what you want. URSA (cold steel) ( Men. To destroy. ) DELETE IN CUTTING ZOD And I will lead. 100 EXT. PRISON - NIGHT It is curfew time. One by one, lights are extinguished throughout the prison yard. The only illumination left is in the lit guard towers, which top the walls. 101 INT. CELL BLOCK - NIGHT - TRACKING SHOT CAMERA TRACKS WITH PRISON GUARD as he walks the length of the cellblock making sure the lights are out and all prisoners are safely in their cells. He marks the information down on a clipboard. GUARD 382 . . . check . . . 383 . . . check . . . He passes LUTHOR'S cell as CAMERA HOLDS: LUTHOR and OTIS sit in the far corner, clearly visible in a strange light. They are both reading. CLOSER ON GUARD The GUARD backs up, looks into LUTHOR'S cell, irritated. GUARD Lights out, Luthor. Neither LUTHOR nor OTIS moves a muscle. GUARD I said Lights out! Again no physical or verbal response. The angry GUARD unlocks the cell door, enters. CONTINUED 101 CONTINUED INT. CELL - NIGHT LUTHOR continues to peer down at a book entitled: HOLOGRAPHS MADE EASY. OTIS reads a comic. The GUARD crosses angrily. GUARD You guys are about ten seconds away from solitary, you know that? (to OTIS) Gimme that comic . . . The GUARD reaches out to snatch the comic away from OTIS: his hand passes right through it as if the book were made of air. The GUARD stops, wide-eyed, steps toward LUTHOR who suddenly disappears completely. He turns back, steps toward OTIS. Now OTIS disappears, but LUTHOR has reappeared. The stunned GUARD looks down, sees he is standing in front of two beams of light. He swivels to find their source as CAMERA PANS: They are being projected from the corner by a small, complicated-looking holograph device. 102 (NOTE: The following is a revision of a sequence ALREADY SHOT, showing the cuts and including the addition of two new lines concerning the disposition of Otis.) EXT. BALLOON, SKY - DAY Luthor, in high spirits, gives Eve a kiss on the cheek. But she is clearly not happy, her old doubts settling in again. LEX Well done, Miss Teschmacher. EVE (glumly) Why am I doing this? Why am I here? LEX Is this a philosophy seminar? No. This is getaway. Luthor takes out his Black Box tracking device and starts working on it. Eve stares down over the edge of the basket. 103 VERY LONG SHOT - of this balloon sailing through the blue. EVE (upset) Lex...Lex, how could you do that to Otis? LUTHOR (indifferently) What else is ballast for? 104 CLOSER, TWO SHOT LUTHOR (changing the subject; winningly, for him) How would you like to take a little vacation? I mean you've earned it, you know? You deserve it. EVE (Brightly) There is some good in you, Lex, after all. LUTHOR You'll have to pack quickly. EVE (getting into it) A bikini! I'll need to buy a new bikini, Lex. (suggestively) C'mon. After being cooped up in that prison, haven't you thought about me in a bikini . . ...once maybe ? LUTHOR (flatly) A parka. EVE You thought about me in a parka. That's sick, Lex. Really. LUTHOR (settling back) North! He reaches under his coat, pulls out the Black Box again, sets it on his lap, pets it. LUTHOR We're going North, Miss Teschmacher.
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